Import — Export — JavaScript

Prasanna Brabourame
Geek Culture
Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2021


This is a default import:

// B.js
import A from './A'

It only works if A has the default export:

// A.js
export default 42

In this case it doesn’t matter what name you assign to it when importing:

// B.js
import A from './A'
import MyA from './A'
import Something from './A'

Because it will always resolve to whatever is the default export of A.

This is a named import called A:

import { A } from './A'

It only works if A contains a named export called A:

export const A = 42

In this case the name matters because you’re importing a specific thing by its export name:

// B.js
import { A } from './A'
import { myA } from './A' // Doesn't work!
import { Something } from './A' // Doesn't work!

To make these work, you would add a corresponding named export to A:

// A.js
export const A = 42
export const myA = 43
export const Something = 44

A module can only have one default export, but as many named exports as you’d like (zero, one, two, or many). You can import them all together:

// B.js
import A, { myA, Something } from './A'

Here, we import the default export as A, and named exports called myA and Something, respectively.

// A.js
export default 42
export const myA = 43
export const Something = 44

We can also assign them all different names when importing:

// B.js
import X, { myA as myX, Something as XSomething } from './A'

The default exports tend to be used for whatever you normally expect to get from the module. The named exports tend to be used for utilities that might be handy, but aren’t always necessary. However it is up to you to choose how to export things: for example, a module might have no default export at all. JS Import Export

There are 4 types of exports. Here are usage examples of each, along with some imports that use them:

Export Syntax

// default exports
export default 42;
export default {};
export default [];
export default (1 + 2);
export default foo;
export default function () {}
export default class {}
export default function foo () {}
export default class foo {}
// variables exports
export var foo = 1;
export var foo = function () {};
export var bar;
export let foo = 2;
export let bar;
export const foo = 3;
export function foo () {}
export class foo {}
// named exports
export {};
export {foo};
export {foo, bar};
export {foo as bar};
export {foo as default};
export {foo as default, bar};
// exports from
export * from "foo";
export {} from "foo";
export {foo} from "foo";
export {foo, bar} from "foo";
export {foo as bar} from "foo";
export {foo as default} from "foo";
export {foo as default, bar} from "foo";
export {default} from "foo";
export {default as foo} from "foo";

Import Syntax

// default imports
import foo from "foo";
import {default as foo} from "foo";
// named imports
import {} from "foo";
import {bar} from "foo";
import {bar, baz} from "foo";
import {bar as baz} from "foo";
import {bar as baz, xyz} from "foo";
// glob imports
import * as foo from "foo";
// mixing imports
import foo, {baz as xyz} from "foo";
import foo, * as bar from "foo";
// just import
import "foo";

Moving Forward

I am very reluctant to write this article.

When you are not familiar with the setup process, keep things simple and not ask for perfection. Refine the process iteratively will get you to the target much faster. If you find a solution that can help people, please leave a note in the response.

Another challenge is to have this information updated. If you find outdated information, please list the old description and state what should be the new one. That will help me a lot to know the changes.

If you know a better way to do things, let me know also. Keep things simple. I want to apply the 80/20 rule: cover the important but not every angle.



Prasanna Brabourame
Geek Culture

AI Engineer | Researcher | Open Source Enthusiast | Full Stack Dev | Blockchain | DEVOPS | Learner | Blogger | Speaker | Tech Geek